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Friday 17 December 2010






1. look on the right of the screen
2. see "chronology"?
3. the entries are linked there from top to bottom - first to last entry
4. the entries entitled "episode.." are written about what happened before the blog started, so if you like, you can read the very first entry, followed by the "episodes" and then only the other entries
5. have fun reading my stories - I'm sure you'd laugh and cry with me as you love to see the "process" of making your "present"


Drove through the city @ |{18:57|

ok this is gonna be quick because it is already almost 3am here and i have to wake up in 2 and a half hours to catch the flight to HK. :D

so, my cousin's bf can make it in the end.. YAY

and look what i saw while i was flipping through the inflight magazine in the flight from london to kl? (nothing to do with hk BTW - THEY JUST DECIDED TO DO IT. so coincidental :D)

anyway it all ends well, after 64 days of worrying about this trip (and going through crazy lengths to stop you from guessing- i hope it worked) im finally going to hk.

haha. i cant feel excited right now but lol. i know i will be tmr because i get to be in your arms again.

i love you. lying on my bed now typing this.. its good to be back home.

see you soon my love.

good night.

Drove through the city @ |{18:43|

Thursday 16 December 2010

Baby boo!

It's two days till I get to see you, (well technically one for you since its thursday for you now) but I tell you, this surprise is never short of drama.

Two days ago, my cousin's bf had to undergo an operation to take out an infected cyst..and now he just got discharged on wednesday..and will have to go on friday to check up to see if he can go:(

this is somewhat negative because well, i booked two rooms, one room for my cousin and her bf, and one room for us. but oh well. at least im still coming right? and i guess i could just stay over with you?

i dunno la. but im totally unwilling to let this get me down. first it was you and your jobs, i never thought the problem could come from my side. but rather than give up and sulk now, im just gonna look on the brighter side:)

ANYWAYS, you were not feeling too good about me calling you less. but it was sincerely because of the minutes and well, haha since im going to see you soon, i thought i might make you miss me more abit XD

the whole time i was out with sabrina, i was buying presents for you and your family :D see im such a good gf.

and today when i said i needed to go out to meet a friend to discuss stuff. haha i actually went for a facial so that i could be prettiful :D

and i LOLed so much at myself when i was acting about getting a cab, finding things to do in dublin, CHANGING MONEY hahaha. the only money im gonna be changing is msian ringgit to hk dollars :D

ming's parents know im going to hk, and theyre so sweet, they gave me their numbers, and also a list of things to eat in hk :D:D:D

See how much they "sek" me? :D:D:D

i really hope you arent as smart as janice or serina says you are. lol. they have faith in you that you already know whats gonna happen. but i dont think so because i am a good good good actress :D

ok im going to bed now because omgoodness i still have loads to pack. im getting a cab tmr from my house straight to heathrow :D

initially i told you im leaving at 5pm but im really leaving at 630 lol. thats just so i can just pack the other stuff ie. like my laptop and other things that i wouldnt be bringing to "dublin" with me haha.

ok sleepy time, will probably write again soon-ish. like. maybe. tmr before i leave? OH CRAP I HAVE TO DRAFT THAT FAKE MESSAGE lol. okok nite nite hun :D love you

2 more days till i get to be in your arms :D


Drove through the city @ |{02:50|

Sunday 12 December 2010

Today you suddenly said again, that you really wish we could be together. AWWW. then I said, well aren't we together now?

then you said, "but you are not here, I cannot feel you :("


I'm coming soon!

Lol it has come to the point where I've been acting for so long, that I feel tht even I don't really believe that I'm going. HAHA. seriously. Sometimes I need to check my flight bookings and stuff in order to remind myself that I'm not dreaming.

Anyways, Yung Yip Kiu finally replied my e-mail, and I think he will ask you out, but then I forgot that you might have tuition. so we will see how la then! :D I called him and he was like "OOOOHHHH gum ho ah lei" HAHAHAH. yeah that's why all your friends know how much I love you. he was so weird though, maybe I heard him wrongly, but he asked me "do you want to see andy immediately? or do you want to wait a few days?" i was like are you crazy of course I will see him immediately la!

hahah quite funny la.

really really cannot believe it. the day ive been waiting for is finally in sight. and baby. right now you are playing poker, but this time next week, your world will be an entirely different one. and I hope you will be happy. :D

love you!

Drove through the city @ |{01:27|

Saturday 11 December 2010

6 days 6 days 6 days!

you know, i was showering just now, and i was like.. hmm. once i shower 6 more times i will be on my way to see you.

and then i was thinking what groceries to buy, and i was like.. i only need two more packs of chicken till i fly.

and then i was like, i only have to brush my teeth 12 more times before i leave.


im so crazy right. sigh.

OH AND I CALLED THE HOTEL TO RECONFIRM THE BOOKING OF THE ROOMS. and they confirmed that i will get double beds for both rooms!!! WHEE. oh and i suppose i should post up the booking here (ive actually been meaning to post up the booking email here a long time ago but i never got around to it)

super fail i cant seem to get the whole booking here. but whatever la:) yayyy :D:D:D

i can be super efficient and plan my own holidays thank you very much :D

love you baby. yay its finally down to single digit countdown :D thank god you don't have bbm because i have been counting down every day since 50 over days on my bb. and now its finally less than 10 days :D


Drove through the city @ |{02:32|

haihs. your friend ah.

i called your bro to ask for a plan, but your bro will be busy that saturday as he has to accompany judy at her graduation. he said that he will give me the passcode to your apartment and since your door is never locked, i will be able to go in. =.= BUT the problem is, what if you don't go home immediately? as usual either yung yip kiu will go out with you, or you will eat somewhere alone before going back ma right?

that's why I asked jonathan to get tony's number la. HAIHS. as you know. stupid tony chan told you that i asked for his number. =.=

luckily your girlfriend is smart and came up with the story about janice to cover. hopefully you believe it la. and anyway if you dont believe it you will probably think its some surprise but not that im coming to hk la :) after talking to you i immediately called janice to tell her to msg you.. HAHA. so that was done. now you know that i lie without blinking eyes :D

i also emailed your friend yung yip kiu. how did i get his email? well baby im sorry but i musr confess, that i checked his profile via your fb. haha. i got his email from there..and so i emailed him..but i made sure to sound confusing in case he was gonna be another idiot and tell you.

click on the picture to see la. i think it is too small here. janice also told me that i didnt need to look so far and wide for tony's number because it was on her wall =.= haihs. should have just asked her in the first place. SIEN. so i went all the way back on janice's wall. to july (luckily shes not that active on fb so it wasnt too bad. if you ask me to look on mY wall i will die okay)

so i whatsapped him.. while he was sleeping lol remember me asking you whether you thought tony would be awake? bet you didnt because you were playing poker :D

he replied..and i said tht he should sleep and that i will talk to him tmr..and lol he said " u sure u wanna tell me the surprise? because i will tell him"

LOL OMG WELL im taking a risk la. because if he doesnt help me and yip kiu doesnt reply.. then im screwed.

so the next day (ie friday) i whatsapped him to ask if i could call him =.= guess where he was? in the saloon blow drying hair. sai mm sai ah. i didnt know guys do that too HAHA. but nevermind i called him after.

the first thing he said "nei hor ng hor yi gong guong dong wa" and i was like diu u study in uk so long dont tell me u cannot speak english. but NEMMIND.

so i tried, in my very broken canto to explain to him. hahah when i told him i was coming to hk he didnt seem surprised. hmmm =.= maybe u know alrd? SIEN.

but he said he would help me out.. and think of a way..possibly ask u out for lunch or something..i asked him for yip kiu's number as i think it is better and easier for yip kiu la. because he stays near u..so its very suen kei chi yin if he asks u out for lunch ma. thats hoping you dont run off by yourself somewhere to eat lunch on your own. I DIDNT KNOW HE DIDNT HAVE YIP KIU'S NUMBER.sien.

haaaihhsss. lol anyway. thats it so far lol. :D oh yes. one dark cloud.



you told me again today tht you wanted to take the part time job. and i was reluctant. SIGH. i hope you really dont think tht im being selfish..though im not surprised if youre thinking tht at this moment because i sound quite selfish when u ask me for a reason not to work.

if i wasnt coming i would definitely be very happy if you worked..whatever job la. at least youre not being bored at home and learning something. but can you imagine. at this point.. u start your part time job. i bet you if u knew i was coming you wouldnt do tht. and when i do arrive you wont feel like doing your part time job, and then u will stop = makes your mom pissed, and your employer pissed as well. =.=

im really sorry. and i hope this doesnt make you doubt what kind of person i am (though if i were u i would doubt too lol) because the only reason why im reluctant is because i dont want your mom to get pissed at you or anything..or even for u to feel bad tht u have to work this part time job which doesnt mean much to you when im there in hk with you.

suen la. i called your bro again. lol i suppose he must be very annoyed with me at this point because according to him im always worried about things i cannot control LOL. true la. he called me mo liu. and i said WEY u stand in my shoes la. then he said lol i will never do this kind of thing =.= then i said, weLL im sweeter than you la gum. BLEH. anyways. learn to let go lor enli not everything can be controlled. suen kei chi yin la :D *tries to convince self*

oh yeah and another thing. do you remember that day when i got pissed at you for looking at on kei's blog? well its not because i dont like you caring about her (though i probably really confused you at the time)..its because..well.. you two shared such wonderful memories together. esp memories of christmas.. and though i tell myself i will be there at least the week before christmas, no matter what i will still not be able to spend christmas with you :(

which makes me feel like i will never be able to give u better memories :(:( sigh. i hope me surprising you helps abit. because i know our memories are very little. :(

and obv i couldnt tell you why i was upset because i was gonna surprise you so i had to come up with some craapp reason tht i didnt like u looking at her blog =.=. lol felix and korine are all like "you brought this upon yourself. why you so "toh si" wanna surprise him"


OH oh. and another thing. serina msged you asking "what you gonna do for xmas" lol i think because she knows im going to be there. so she is purposely messing around with you hahahahahHAhahAha. funny girl la she. which girl would be threatened by me when it is so obv that im very in love with you?

so i bet now tony knows either a) im crazy and dont know how to be shy because i simply got his number or b) that i really love you alot.

haha soon all your friends will know how lucky you are. to have me :D

ailafyu hun.


Drove through the city @ |{02:00|

Monday 6 December 2010

♥ the sunset and the ship in the middle :)

haha I will be here soon honey, two saturdays from now in fact. this time in two weeks, I will be jusst waking up next to my honey. :D

I love you. I need to plan your surprise. But for that I need to talk to your dai lou.. if he hasnt got anything planned I might fb yung yip kiu and tony for help. :D

But we shall see ok? Right now I need to concentrate on my assessment and my school work :(


Amazingly enough I dont feel like telling you about it anymore, I think its because Ive kept it so long tht I will be SO PISSED if u find out now. :D


Drove through the city @ |{02:19|


I should have written earlier
episode 1: en-li figures it out
oh deary deary me
episode 2: en-li does the convincing
oh nooo
sorry I have to post again twice
episode 3: en-li gets things going
you sent these to me today
episode 4:en-li gets her plan in action
16 more days
hong kong cravings
11 more days
stupid tony chan
single digits!!!
aww hun hun
you just gotta have faith
just a fast one


Beautiful Memories


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